where cosmic wisdom meets strategy to heal your hustle

You have been told you should be more realistic…

or play it small…

or stick your head down and hustle…

but I know there’s more in your heart.

You are here to create your wildest dreams by unlocking the power of cosmic alignment.

Whether you are a beginner or have some experience with astrology, 1:1 coaching is tailored to meet your personal needs and help you achieve your goals.

Through personal coaching sessions, interactive workbooks, and mindfulness tools, you will learn how to integrate the wisdom of your birth chart to improve your relationships, careers, and personal growth.

This isn’t personal development focused on individual growth, but an opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of yourself and your place in the world. Whether you want to connect with your soul purpose, create more fulfilling relationships, or know yourself more deeply, our 1:1 coaching program is designed to support your healing and expansion.

Let’s create some magic together.

1:1 Coaching Journey

  • This is where the seeds of success are planted. Through three placements in your birth chart (mercury, mars, and chiron to be exact), we can get underneath the surface to understand your learning style, motivation, and plant the seeds to shift your identity. Change starts by embodying the version of you who has already achieved your goal and astrology gives us the language to speak to your unique energy.

  • There is nothing better than helping you design a customized toolkit from the wisdom of your birth chart, but specifically your Sun, Moon, and Rising signs. By understanding how to nourish your unique identity, intuition, and wellness, we can tap into your highest potential and quantum leap towards your goals.

  • Activate your natural luck, abundance, and magnetism with the wisdom of your Venus and Jupiter placements. With the mindset and toolkit to support your growth, we can focus on aligning with the magic and satisfaction on your journey to success.

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We create 90-day high-touch transformations for our 1:1 clients who are ready to bring astrology, wellness, and strategy together to make their vision a reality.

We empower you to get in the driver’s seat of your healing, support you with personal development tools, and cheer you on to tackle your biggest dreams.

We believe in activating your cosmic gifts so you can create more of what you were meant to create in this world.